Wettbewerbsregularien des Fünf Seen Filmfestivals
1. The aim of the Five-Lake-Filmfestival is to appreciate film in all its different forms; as art and as entertainment, as publicity to create support, and to promote a film with it’s variety,innovation, engagement and its quality.
2. Permitted for the award section “Fünf Seen Filmpreis” (Five Lakes Film Award)are motion pictures from Germany, Austria and Switzerland including countries from the alpine region. The film hast to be a minimum of 70 minutes long, and its production year is not permitted to be lower than two years of the year of the festival. Additionally, the films competing are not allowed to have had any tv/cinema reviews/critics.
3. Permitted for the award section “Fünf Seen Dokumentarfilmpreis” (Five Lakes Documentary Film Award) are documentaries, which are from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the alpine region. The documentaries must be a minimum of 70 minutes long, and its production year is not permitted to be lower than two years of the year of the festival. Additionally, the documentaries that are competing are not allowed to have had any tv/ cinema review/critics.
4. Permitted for the award section “Horizonte-Filmpreis” are feature films and documentaries from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the alpine region starting at 70 minutes. These films should include themes of peace, freadom, equality and harmony between humans, animals and nature. The film, which manages to convey these leitmotifs in an impressive and ambitious perspective will be
awarded with the “Horizonte-Filmpreis”.
5. The section “Fünf Seen Kurzfilmpreis” (Five Lakes Short Film Award) is separated into two sections: Part one includes the “Goldenes Glühwührmchen” (Golden firefly), which films from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the alpine region can compete for. The films can be up to 20 minutes long.
Part two is the “Young generation award”, which includes films from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the alpine region, which can have a range of 20-60 minutes.
6. and life, which are not involved in any of the film productions nor are interested in the distribution of the films, will elect the Fünf Seen Filmpreis, the Fünf Seen Dokumentarfilmpreis and the Horizonte Filmpreis. The directors of the winning films will be awarded with the money.
7. For the Fünf Seen Filmpreis two prizes will be awarded. A member of the jury will award a
“Nachwuchsfilm” (newcomer film). This entails that the motion picture is a first for the filmmakers, who’s creativity, innovation and engagement supports the project.
8. The closing day for the film submissions is approximately 10 weeks before the Film Festival starts. The actual date will be publicized by the Festival Director.
There may be some individual deadlines for filmmakers if certain circumstances are present. However, this must be discussed with the Festival Director.
9. The choice of the award contributions is chosen via the Festival Director in measure of the award regulations and the requirements of the FSFF.
10. The proceedings of the jury are held by those, which are named President of the Jury by the Festival Director.
When choosing the awardee for given categories, the jury member will communicate all ideas and viewpoints. The choice with the absolute majority of votes will be agreed upon. If the jury can not agree upon an awardee a run-off ballot will be held.
The Presidents of the jury will inform the Festival Director, regarding who will be awarded in the given categories. Prizes will be awarded at the official Award Ceremony near the end of the festival.
1. Winning films from the FSFF should carry the signet of the FSFF in their Commercial and promotional booklets.